Awareness Among Parents Regarding the use of Pacifiers and the Consequences of its Late Withdrawal

Author Details

Joana Maria Riera Galmes, Meritxell Sanchez Molins

Journal Details


Published: 21 July 2021 | Article Type :


Introduction: The pacifier is a non-nutritive sucking habit that constitutes a physiological activity during the first months of the baby’s life. However, if this habit is prolonged beyond the recommended age, it can affect the establishment of a correct dental occlusion and favor the appearance of secondary habits.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the parents’ and non-parents’ level of awareness regarding the pacifier’s habit and the consequences associated with its late withdrawal. As a secondary objective, it has been proposed to evaluate the age of onset and withdrawal of the pacifier in the children of the studied sample.

Material and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study has been conducted through an online form.

Results: 515 people have filled in the online form. Both parents and non-parents have obtained the same number of correct answers in the form. 75.74% of parents and 82.49% of non-parents demonstrate awareness regarding the maximum recommended age of withdrawal. In addition, 78.11% of parents and 85.31% of non-parents are also aware of the relation between its prolonged use and the development of malocclusions. 88.43% of children start using the pacifier at birth, and 50.92% of them continue to use it after the age of two.

Conclusions: Both the parents’ and non-parents’ group show a medium level of knowledge regarding the pacifier’s habit and the consequences of its late withdrawal. Most children start using the pacifier at birth and half of them leave it after the age of two.

Keywords: Pacifier, malocclusion, habits, non-nutritive.

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How to Cite


Joana Maria Riera Galmes, Meritxell Sanchez Molins. (2021-07-21). "Awareness Among Parents Regarding the use of Pacifiers and the Consequences of its Late Withdrawal." *Volume 4*, 1, 29-36